#01 Light Dull Blue!

In spring/summer 2021, light and dull blue is on the top of the list!
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#02 Mint Green!

This light green hue is a fresh and feminine shade. Yes, this trend is coming back!
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#03 Natural & Earthy Colors!

Whitish, creamy khaki, light brown, rose, beige, and nude are all great choices for this season!
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#04 Yellows!

From Vibrant Yellow to Mustard Yellow, all shades are in. Dare to try this optimistic color!
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#05 White!

White gives your skin a nice tanned look. The classic simple white is now trendy again, and we all know not all whites are the same! You are more than likely to fall in love with more than one white nail polish!
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#06 Pale Pink and Purple!

Try different shades of pale and dull pink or purple, and you will never go wrong!
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#07 Red!

Red is timeless and universal, but it's usually considered a Winter Nail Polish color. However, this summer, it is one of the top 10 colors! Choose a shade that is neither too dark nor too bright!
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#08 Orange!

Choose from a range of Oranges, from the Boldest one to the Lightest!
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#09 Sparkling!

Bored of all these colors? Wear a Sparkling Nail Polish and embrace the beauty of the summer! Choose a base color from those that are mentioned above. Multicolor sparkling is also cool!
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#10 The Multicolor Trend!
Try a different color for each finger. You can wear this trend in two different ways: use different pastel colors or different shades of the same color. White goes with both ways!